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Advanced Dentistry

Advanced dentistry included those treatments which are usually performed by the specialists trained for it. But due to dearth of well trained specialists, there is a general lack of awareness as well as a lot of clinics are not equipped with equipment such as cauteries and lasers, which are needed to handle advanced dentistry cases

advanced surgery

We at Smile Box Dental strive to change that. We have onboard a team of specialists and the right equipment to handle such cases. Hence we are able to offer a range of advanced surgical procedures such as –

  • Operculectomy ( Exposure of unerupted teeth)
  • Frenectomy and frenotomy
  • Gingival Depigmentation ( for dark gums)
  • Gingivectomy & Gingivoplasty
  • Root Coverage procedures
  • Failing Implant removal
  • Peri implantitis and peri mucositis
  • Abscess drainage
  • Opening of restricted mouth
  • Reduction of gingival hypertrophy
  • Soft Tissue crown lengthening
Laser Dentistry


Traditionally, dental surgeries were performed with a scalpel. While effective, these types of incisions caused more bleeding during the procedure. In turn, this led to increased post-operative discomfort, swelling and bleeding. At SmileBox Dental,wherever required, our surgeons are trained to use a soft tissue laser,which cauterizes and disinfects the tissue as it incises. The result is a more comfortable recovery, with less bleeding, swelling, and post-surgical downtime.

Medical professionals use lasers, which are extremely focused light beams, to alter or remove tissue in small amounts. Laser surgery is not limited to dentistry, but many people have never heard of laser dentistry before having it done. Dentists use lasers in a variety of procedures involving the inside of the mouth, be it to remove overgrown tissue, to reshape the gums, or to whiten teeth. Sometimes, laser dentistry is ideal for children who become anxious or afraid when having dental work done.

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